less than 1 minute read

Posting this a bit late, but sometime ago I published a paper exploring microscopic-sized space-time perturbations and discovering a quite interesting result. Why not, when you are thrown some government funding to do it and you got a background in quantum gravity!

TLDR: One can engineer microscopic warp bubbles in a weird way as message carriers, leading to effectively superluminal communications devices. Why small? Because the nasty negative energy requirements to curve space-time become so low that we can satisfy them with current-ish technology. Yet work remains to be done to make this solution less energy dense, so don’t hold your breath! Since this was not sci-fi enough I called them Hyperwaves.

The paper got some press coverage, for instance here which I suggest for a simplified explanation. Also here.

And here’s the full paper: https://arxiv.org/abs/2311.12069

Back to work!

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