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Robotic Kitchen Automation Levels

4 minute read

How does a level 5 automated kitchen look like? I’m sure you are somewhat familiar with the self-driving cars levels of automation, perhaps following Te...

A Roadmap to a Post-Scarcity Society

17 minute read

The truly scarce resource is human abilities. Summary A post-scarcity society can be defined as a society in which all the basic needs of the population ar...

The iPhone of Robotics

12 minute read

The killer product of robotics is hidden in plain sight and may be just a few years away. Summary The robotic space is still waiting for a truly widespread...

On Falsifying the Simulation Hypothesis

8 minute read

We kick off this blog analyzing the so-called Simulation Hypothesis. The main background reading is N. Bostrom original paper, or you can check Wikipedia for...


less than 1 minute read

Welcome to my personal blog! I will write mainly about science, tech and fundamental questions.